Overhead cranes

ABMS Consultants can design custom overhead cranes based on your specific requirements. We can develop a new product, modify your existing equipment, certify a capacity and in some instances, augment its capacity. Our team has designed multiple overhead cranes and we can use our expertise to help you find a custom solution tailored to your reality. In  addition to the following realisations, we certified the capacity of multiple overhead cranes for our clients across Quebec and Canada.


  • Overhead crance with overhanging section

    Design of a new overhead crane to replace en existing equipment that cuold not be used any longer by the owner. This new overhead crane included an overhanging section and can be used under an angled roof. The height under the hook is minimized, the crane is independant of the building structure and requires minimal maintenance.
    Pont-roulant sur mesure avec porte-à-faux sous toit en angle - ABMS ConsultantsPont-roulant sur mesure avec porte-à-faux sous toit en angle - ABMS Consultants

  • Design of a circular overhead crane.

    Circular overhead crane (5.3 meter diameter) that is installed in the turbine pit of an hydrolectric turbine. The crane is anchored directly in the concrete and is operated manually by workers. It can lift up to 1000 kg at a height of 5 meters. the main beam must not interfere with the turbine shaft, which is located in the center of the turbine pit.

    Pont roulant circulaire pour un puit turbine - ABMS ConsultantsPont roulant circulaire pour puit turbine - ABMS Consultants

  • Design of a standard overhanging crance

    Design of the structure and anchor system based on the client’s specific requirements.
    Pont-roulant conventionnel - ABMS Consultants

  • Design of a cart

    Custom motorized cart to be used on an existing overhead crane. It can withstand 1 ton.
    Conception d'un chariot pour pont-roulant - ABMS Consultants